Since January 2019 legislation for Biogas installations in Germany has become more strict. The new legislation, called TRAS 120, is a recommendation – not an obligation – issued by the German “Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)” aimed at increasing the safety at Biogas installations in Germany. As a result of this, the TRAS 120 legislation could apply to biogas solutions/products of Wiefferink. In addition, Wiefferink is gladly willing to advise customers about TRAS 120 and the practical execution.
The Biogas solutions of Wiefferink are optionally available in TRAS120 execution, and herewith fulfill all TRAS120 requirements. In most cases, a German consultant (“Gutachter”) decides if and how TRAS 120 should be implemented.
Just recently, multiple projects have been delivered in TRAS 120 execution.
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